After viewing the UNESCO's early childhood care and education webpage, I came upon an article examining the recent big push to accelerate early childhood education in Africa. The benefits of early childhood education both n America and internationally is becoming widepsread knowldege that can only work in favor of improving preparation of young children for school and learning. Professionally, I believe this should be a goal of all early childhood professionals, towards the benefits and well being of all young children worldwide. The efforts of the organization include 7 training modules to include cultural context and modules to include indigenous early childhood care and education. Countries Angola, Sao Tome & Principe, Swaziland and Zambia have already agreed to focus on boosting their ECE tactics. Although, plans are in progress Africa still struggles with early education, only one out of four children get the opportunity to attend some kind of preschool education. In any case, this new push for early childhood is a step in a postive direction towards the academic progress for young children in Africa.
I also researched the UNESCO website for this week’s blog assignment. Before this week’s task it was the first time I had used the website as a resource. I am glad that the message about the importance of early childhood education is slowly reaching all corners of the globe. Although, as you mentioned only about 1 in 4 children are able to attend early childhood care centers, it is a start and one that I hope continues to flourish.