Saturday, August 24, 2013
Professional Thank-you
Hi everyone, I just wanted to say thank-you to everyone for all their input and hard work for this class. All of the comments have really helped me in viewing other peoples views and opinions on child related topics. Good luck to everyone on their future classes!!
Child Quote
Saturday, August 10, 2013
Pros & Cons Of "Labeling"
Pros & Cons of "Labeling"
I believe that the process of
assessing children should involve a well-rounded format that enables all
aspects of development, and progress to be measured. Unfortunately, in today’s rigorous competitive educational system that is not the case. Now more than ever
students are bombarded with demanding testing systems that that really only
assess one type of learning, in which the students either know the answer or
they don’t there is no other type of opportunities in most cases to show what
knowledge they have acquired. A key focus should be on building his confidence
and desire to learn. Thus, assessment should focus more on providing
information on the learning progress of the child that would allow for better
support in the areas of social and emotional welfare of the students. Institutions
need to develop courses in such ways that offer students teaching and learning materials,
experiences or tasks that can be applied to real world situations. One of the
advantages of holistic assessments is that they can be utilized to evaluate
various aspects of the leaner. For example portfolio assessments provide a
multidimensional perspective of the leaner. Secondly, students are actively
involved in the learning process. I believe that if federal and state levels
would implement a multidimensional assessment that was designed to take a more
nuanced, textured, or rich approach to assessment students would not only
benefit in their educational and career phases in life, but educational
institutions would see a positive shift in the overall outcome.
Japan is known for being one of the best education systems
in the world. Teachers at all levels of schooling consistently assess their
students through teacher-developed tests and other forms of student-based work.
Homeroom teachers often spend many years with the same group of students and
are involved with their lives outside the classroom, making the assessment
process easier, more precise and more accessible to parents. Standardized tests
are also used in the where classroom teachers provide summitive tests that fit
the structure of each unit and allow students to demonstrate their learning
through a variety of modalities that address the learning styles of the students
in their classroom. A notable difference is their focus on moral education and
"special activities." "Special activities" refer to
scheduled weekly time given over to class affairs and to preparing for the
school activities and ceremonies that are used to emphasize character
development and the importance of group effort and cooperation. Students take
school-developed exams at the end of lower secondary and upper secondary
schools, both of which have an impact on their placement in the next level of
the education system. Admission into senior high schools is extremely
competitive, and in addition to entrance examinations, the student’s academic
work, behavior and attitude, and record of participation in the community is
also taken into account.
Japan Instructional Systems
Saturday, July 27, 2013
Racism and the Developing Child
As I observe my son in his present
youth, I often reflect upon my childhood, and the way I was brought up. I note
the dramatic differences between our upbringings. I grew up in Edmonton,
Alberta Canada and was one out of two children that attended my elementary
school, not only was that a notable difference as one revved the physical
differences between myself and my classmates but in the general population as
well. Quite noticeable I didn't look like anyone else except those that were in
my own household. It wasn't even that I thought in my young mind that anything
was wrong with it, it was just a plain fact. I also had a mixed household with
a younger siblings whom were both half white. It wasn't until I was 5 years old
that I really noticed the negative effect on the physically characteristics,
when one day when I was walking with my mom in the mall and a little girl
pointed and laughed at my hair making a comment on my ill Afro puffs. A year
later I started kindergarten, and was called the "N" word. In that
instance I developed a sense of self-consciousness about my appearance. As I
entered school, I made numerous amounts of friends, as I strived to be the best
at everything else that was within my control, fashion, sports, and a clique of
friends. Negatively, that also caused me to develop a need for people to like
me and be "cool", I got caught up with the wrong crowd in high
school, among people who liked to party hard. My last year of high school, my
family moved to the America, where the majority of my mom’s family lived. and I
was in complete culture shock, not only did I look like the majority of people
but where we moved to in Maryland there was a rarity of any other race in that
proximity besides African Americans and Hispanics. It was then that a new
difference was discovered in which I didn't act or sound like the other
students and was labeled as "acting white". However, by that time I
was surrounded with a large number of family members including ones that were
only a few years older than me. They became a major influential role models to
me, as many of them had similar upbringing. I was able to cope by leaning on
the support of my family and close friends, as I slowly came to the realization
of self-empowerment, and self-love.
Friday, July 12, 2013
Breastfeeding is the normal way of providing young infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. Virtually all mothers can breastfeed, provided they have accurate information, however it is a very large decision for many mothers whether to breastfeed or not, not only are there personal preferences involved i.e. pain, low milk supply, but the social pressures as well. There are many benefits that go with the decision to breastfeed, helping mom to burn calories and get mom her pre-baby tummy back by stimulating the release of the hormone oxytocin. I believe that it is the most natural, relaxing ways to bond with your baby. I have always been a very tremendous advocate for breastfeeding not only from personalexperience but culturally as well. Growing up as a second generation Guyanese American the many advantages and importance of breastfeeding had always been imbedded in me.
Breastfeeding in Egypt:
There are many differences between ordinary breastfeeding practices in the U.S and in many other countries including,Egypt. Most women don't breastfeed in public due to religion,breastfeeding is often done at home or while in the company of close female friends. It's not that breastfeeding is frowned uponit’s actually encouraged and not breastfeeding is sometimes frowned upon, it's just not encouraged in public places.Religiously, mothers are meant to BF for two years, it's a very treasured thing amongst Muslim women and most Muslim men see it as the norm.
The issue of BF, is one that is an important factor when relating to healthy child development in early years. Recognizing both the benefits and issues that arise with breastfeeding, is an essential factor when understanding the early growth of infants especially when working within the field. In the future, I may take some of these new concepts to my current work involving providing information to inner city parents.
Breastfeeding in Egypt:
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Birthing Experience
The birth of a baby is an experience to be treasured, and no two occurrences are the same. It is a joyful, scary, life changing event that is not for the faint of heart. I can recall the birth of my son, now seven years ago to be one of those epic moments that can only be related to someone that has exiperences it. No words can truly describe the miracoulous moment when you bring your child into the world. I remember feeling terrified, and extactic all in the same breath at the time I was 19, in college, and single so it was overwhelmed to say the least. I had a healthy pregnancy and delivered my son with the help of an epidural vaginally. I choose this example, due to the extreme gravity of the situation, and the fact that i attribute my son's birth as one of my crowning achievements in life. The impact that birth has on a child's development greatly depends on the choices of the mother during pregnancy. For example, a mother who chooses to smoke during pregnancy can cause her unborn child to have major health issues later on as they develop. However, there are circumstances that happen which are out of a mothers control, that can have an adverse effect on child development such as; diabetes, pre-term labor, STD's, genetic abnormalities and many other factors.
In my exiperence the United States birthing customs as a whole are uniquely, different, when weighed on customs in other parts of the world. In the Netherlands it is customary for womens primary care to be taken care of by a mid-wife and not a doctor, they only intervene in extreme cases when complications arise. Another difference is the use of pain
Medication, most births whether at home or in a hospital is done naturally. The administration of and epidural is normally done, at the leisure of the anesthesiologist, which does not happen in most cases. Additionally, the Dutch have a type of maternity care offered to all called a (kraamzorg), this is where a professional maternity nurse will come to your home and look after you and your baby after you have given birth. Mother's are entitled to this excellent, professional maternity care during the first eight days after the birth of the baby. The nurse shows the new mother how toto care for the baby, how to bath him or her, and how to breastfeed properly. The nurse also assists with the other children, preparing meals and may also take care of laundry and light housekeeping. This is a tremendous support for new mothers and mothers with young children at home.
This is very different from my own exiperence, where I did opt for an epidural, however I am 7 months pregnant at the moment and have been contemplating about having a natural birth. Many women in the U.S decide to have natural births, although an equal if not more decide to have some pain medication assitance. The use of a (kraamzorg) is a difference that I believe is a truly beneficially option for many mothers new and old, if only the U.S could have adopted this custom, cuz I would have loved to have one with my son. Thank-fully I have a huge extended family, who took on many of those same tasks as a kraamzorg who helped me greatly with my previous birth and hopefully will again with this one that's coming in October.
I gained an abundance of information regarding the unique differences between the United States customs, and other parts of the world. Upon researching multiple countries I've found that the U.S is actually not the norm in terms of similar customs of world, and it would be quite beneficially if this country adopted some customs of other countries especially, the (kraamzorg) :)
Birth Customs Around the World By Lara Schalken from American Baby Retrieved from:
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Code Of Ethics
These are 3 of NAEYC code of ethics that mean a lot
to me.
This code is extremely important not only to my
professionalism, but to all that are in this profession. Anyone who works in
the child care field should be aware of any laws old and new, in order to work
towards the best interest of the children who are in their care.
•To work through education, research, and advocacy
toward a society in which all young children have access to high-quality early
care and education programs.
My current and future goals towards working in
child's advocacy, are all concerning providing the best care and education for
young children. In my future endeavors, I hope to contribute on a larger scale
with a higher position that will allow me to enforce and regulate early care
•To help family members enhance their understanding
of their children, as staff are enhancing their understanding of each child
through communications with families, and support family members in the
continuing development of their skills as parents.
This particularly pertains to my current work, in
head start. I truly believe that working in early childhood programs and head
start in particular, it is essential that educators ensure and provide parental
involvement within their child's education. This can sometimes be a daunting
task, but it is imperative that they are fully involved with their child, and
are aware of information pertaining to their child.
Saturday, June 8, 2013
Additional Course Resources
- Resources for Creative Teaching in Early Childhood Education [Paperback] Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing; 2 edition (January 1, 1990)A great resource for educators that provides curriculum ideas for a wide variety of learners.
Course Resources
- Article: UNICEF (n.d.). Fact sheet: A summary of the rights under the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
- Websites:
- World Forum Foundation
This link connects you to the mission statement of this organization. Make sure to watch the media segment on this webpage - World Organization for Early Childhood Education
Read about OMEP's mission. - Association for Childhood Education International
Click on "Mission/Vision" and "Guiding Principles and Beliefs" and read these statements.
- World Forum Foundation
- NAEYC. (2009). Developmentally appropriate practice in early childhood programs serving children from birth through age 8. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
- NAEYC. (2009). Where we stand on child abuse prevention. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
- NAEYC. (2009). Where we stand on school readiness. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
- NAEYC. (2009). Where we stand on responding to linguistic and cultural diversity. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
- NAEYC. (2003). Early childhood curriculum, assessment, and program evaluation: Building an effective, accountable system in programs for children birth through age 8. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
- NAEYC. (2009, April). Early childhood inclusion: A summary. Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
- Zero to Three: National Center for Infants, Toddlers, and Families. (2010). Infant-toddler policy agenda.Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
- FPG Child Development Institute. (2006, September). Evidence-based practice empowers early childhood professionals and families. (FPG Snapshot, No. 33). Retrieved May 26, 2010, from
Note: The following article can be found in the Walden University Library databases. - Turnbull, A., Zuna, N., Hong, J. Y., Hu, X., Kyzar, K., Obremski, S., et al. (2010). Knowledge-to-action guides. Teaching Exceptional Children, 42(3), 42-53.
Use the Academic Search Complete database, and search using the article's title.
Sunday, June 2, 2013
Insprirational Quotes
Five-year-olds “are inheritors of poverty’s curse and not its creators, unless we act these children will pass it on to the next generation like a family birthmark.”
Head Start President 1st 5 years Jule Sugarman
"Each of us must come to care about everyone else's children. We must recognize that the welfare of our children is intimately linked to the welfare of all other people's children. After all, when one of our children needs life-saving surgery, some else's child will perform it. If one of our children is harmed by violence, someone else's child will be responsible for the violent act. The good life for our own children can be secured only if a good secured for all other people's children." Lillian Katz Director of the ERIC Clearinghouse for Early Childhood Education and Professor of Early Childhood Education at the University of Illinois
Head Start President 1st 5 years Jule Sugarman
"Each of us must come to care about everyone else's children. We must recognize that the welfare of our children is intimately linked to the welfare of all other people's children. After all, when one of our children needs life-saving surgery, some else's child will perform it. If one of our children is harmed by violence, someone else's child will be responsible for the violent act. The good life for our own children can be secured only if a good secured for all other people's children." Lillian Katz Director of the ERIC Clearinghouse for Early Childhood Education and Professor of Early Childhood Education at the University of Illinois
Sunday, May 26, 2013
My Childhood Web
I have been blessed with a very close knit circle of family and friends, all whom have supported me through both good times and bad. Here are five of my closet childhood relationships that I hold near and dear to my heart.

Brothers Mat and Ryan: My two much younger brothers, and I have always had less of a brother/sisterly relationship and more of a second mother one. Growing up my mom worked nights into the early morning, so I was in charge of caring for them when my mother could not. This is where I learned a lot of responsibility, and mommy skills that I still use to this day.
Aunt Pat: My mom was a single parent, so she was not always around when I needed her, but my aunt could always be relied on when I needed support or guidance.
Janelle (cousin): Growing up I'd always wanted to be just like her, Our relationship was more of sisters then anything else and I would copy much of the things she would do. I became a cheerleader because she was one,in short I idealized her. (Thank god she was a positive influence)
Mom my rock, confident, and guidance counselor. She's always there whenever I've needed her and has guided me through both good times and bad. I would not be the w o an I am today without her.
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