Breastfeeding is the normal way of providing young infants with the nutrients they need for healthy growth and development. Virtually all mothers can breastfeed, provided they have accurate information, however it is a very large decision for many mothers whether to breastfeed or not, not only are there personal preferences involved i.e. pain, low milk supply, but the social pressures as well. There are many benefits that go with the decision to breastfeed, helping mom to burn calories and get mom her pre-baby tummy back by stimulating the release of the hormone oxytocin. I believe that it is the most natural, relaxing ways to bond with your baby. I have always been a very tremendous advocate for breastfeeding not only from personalexperience but culturally as well. Growing up as a second generation Guyanese American the many advantages and importance of breastfeeding had always been imbedded in me.
Breastfeeding in Egypt:
There are many differences between ordinary breastfeeding practices in the U.S and in many other countries including,Egypt. Most women don't breastfeed in public due to religion,breastfeeding is often done at home or while in the company of close female friends. It's not that breastfeeding is frowned uponit’s actually encouraged and not breastfeeding is sometimes frowned upon, it's just not encouraged in public places.Religiously, mothers are meant to BF for two years, it's a very treasured thing amongst Muslim women and most Muslim men see it as the norm.
The issue of BF, is one that is an important factor when relating to healthy child development in early years. Recognizing both the benefits and issues that arise with breastfeeding, is an essential factor when understanding the early growth of infants especially when working within the field. In the future, I may take some of these new concepts to my current work involving providing information to inner city parents.
Breastfeeding in Egypt:
Hey Ashley,
ReplyDeleteI know that some people say that breastfeeding is the best way to feed a child. But I had a friend that really wanted to BF but she said that she was too embarrassed to feed the baby in public. She worried about what others would say and I know that people can be cruel sometime when they really don't understand what is going on. If people would just take the time to do some research about BF they will see all of the benefits that BF has. I think that it is a great ideal you to take some of your concepts to the inner city resources are always a great thing to know.